K. JosephAbout Me (March 2023)Injecting Wonder, Joy, and Awe on My Journey to Self-Actualization: How I am manifesting my dreams and embracing wonder in daily life.Mar 12, 20234Mar 12, 20234
K. JosephAbout Me (January 2023)They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds (one of my favorite affirmations)Jan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephCelebrating Vision Board ManifestationDreams Come True | Manifest DestinyOct 30, 202210Oct 30, 202210
K. JosephVision Boards are Full of PowerHow to Create a Vision Board and Manifest Your DestinySep 19, 20224Sep 19, 20224
K. Joseph5:58 AM, againThe day after I was severed, my smartphone’s ‘Playtime’ alarm tone woke me up at 5:58 AM ET. But today, I had no one to meet, no place to…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022