InAll Things WorkbyK. JosephSquare Footage, Meet SoulWhy is Change Management critical to successful workspace transformations? It’s about people, place, and purpose.2d ago2d ago
InPsychology of WorkplacesbyK. JosephIn Less Than 60 DaysThe runup to a merger and a reduction in force.Dec 63Dec 63
InCurated NewslettersbyK. JosephBridging Minds and MachinesThe Role of Psychology in Technology TransformationNov 212Nov 212
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InAll Things WorkbyK. JosephHow To Personalize A Massive Tech, Process, and Culture Change InitiativeA case study and a summary of tactics to make people change successfully.Aug 202Aug 202
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InILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephNavigating Change: Merging and DownsizingOrganizations and employees both have choices.Jul 302Jul 302
InBe Open - Writers & Readers PubbyK. JosephThem or Me — A Manager’s DilemmaIn these days of cost-cutting, a people manager has to make a hard choice; they choose to save themselves.Jun 227Jun 227
InAll Things WorkbyK. JosephEmbracing Change After a Reduction-in-Force (RIF)A Leader’s Story of Layoffs, Leadership, and Passion for Writing.Jun 3011Jun 3011
InAll Things WorkbyK. JosephLeveraging OCM for Successful Mergers: The X-FactorTransformation executives should leverage change management to enhance the success of their mergers and acquisitions.Jul 12Jul 12
InBe Open - Writers & Readers PubbyK. JosephMeet Up For DrinksThe change professionals get together.May 62May 62
InILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephReflections in the Corporate MirrorHow do you see yourself? Be purposeful when you develop your corporate character. Be yourself.Apr 84Apr 84
InILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephBeyond Resistance: Unlocking the Human Side of Change ManagementInspire people to consider the change and why they should make it — calling them names based on their actions is never helpful.Feb 29Feb 29
InAll Things WorkbyK. JosephHumanizing the Machine: How Change Managers Make AI Work for PeopleTune in as one Change Management team brainstorms how to leverage AI and use it to quantify the impact of AI on technology initiatives.Jan 213Jan 213
InLampshade of ILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephRecalling An Impromptu Retro of a Successful Transformation StoryThe legal department personnel were confident and ready to face the final stage of their game-changing journey.Jan 13Jan 13
InCurated NewslettersbyK. JosephHow To Navigate Employee Transitions? Boss Advice: Embrace ChangeCoaching for managers on how you should emotionally and rationally process employee transitions. An interview.Jan 15Jan 15
InCurated NewslettersbyK. JosephEmbracing Knowledge Humility: Navigating the Dunning-Kruger Effect in the WorkplaceGetting the know-it-all to collaborate with the shrinking violet leads to better outcomes.Nov 20, 20235Nov 20, 20235
InLampshade of ILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephEmbracing Change in the Age of AI: A Strategic JourneyChange management applications and managing the human aspect of change have never been more relevant.Aug 29, 20232Aug 29, 20232
InLampshade of ILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephThe Power of Lighting: Illuminating the Perception of Appearance and PerformanceA leader advised me to choose a team that favorably highlights and showcases my contributions.Jul 9, 2023Jul 9, 2023