InThe ShortformbyK. JosephMore Summer Work Story Fun!There is a deliciously dark tenor to these tales by Short Story In ShadowJul 25, 20241Jul 25, 20241
InBookiumbyK. JosephNo Full Stops, PeriodAnd other rules of grammar we, as writers, break.Apr 14, 20245Apr 14, 20245
InExpress Yourself!byK. JosephSeoul Calling — Grown Folks, Complex Plots, & Complicated LivesI used to have a potent addiction to the Korean Dramas genre. Here’s a list of my favorite ones!Jul 17, 20233Jul 17, 20233
InExpress Yourself!byK. JosephShort Movie Review: Hilarious & Heart-Warming K-Drama — SpellboundI do not laugh out loud often. But this movie does it for me.Jul 9, 20234Jul 9, 20234
InILLUMINATIONbyK. JosephThis Conversation Lit Up My Brain!A Delightful Journey of Passion and Experimentation: Reflections on the Design Thinker Podcast, Episode 14Jul 3, 20233Jul 3, 20233
InModern WomenbyK. JosephNot For Public ConsumptionDiary of this Black woman. Themes: Optimism. Completion. Awareness. Rise. Promise. + NYT Audio. Serendipity.Jun 25, 20236Jun 25, 20236
InBookiumbyK. JosephBeyond Humanity: A Review of ‘The A.I. Who Loved Me’This title drew me in a few years ago because Regina Hall and Mindy Kaling were narrators. I came back to it today because of…Apr 25, 20231Apr 25, 20231
K. JosephWomen: We Carry… Everything.Let us commune and tend to each other, other women.Apr 2, 20231Apr 2, 20231
InSYNERGYbyK. JosephDid I Dream of New Medium Dashboards?One day, I swear I saw enhanced daily metrics on my stories when I looked at my dashboard. I was interested and excited to see the…Mar 24, 2023Mar 24, 2023
InModern WomenbyK. JosephWhat Every Black Woman Writer Needs to Know About MahoganyThis channel for raising Black stories is looking for fresh voices.Mar 11, 20236Mar 11, 20236
Inthe ChallengedbyK. JosephIf I Were a Protagonist From Any Love Story, Who Would I Be?I would be Juanita.Feb 22, 20234Feb 22, 20234
InBookiumbyK. JosephBook Review: Theodora Taylor’s ‘Vengeance’ — A Fascinating and Unconventional ReadAn open mind is required to understand the angles and logistics of the goings-on in this book.Feb 20, 20232Feb 20, 20232
InBookiumbyK. JosephAudible Contemporary Genre Book ReviewsThree reviews of romantic Happily Ever After novels I listened to in January 2023.Jan 31, 20231Jan 31, 20231
InSix Word Photo Story ChallengebyK. JosephCalled To The Family Dinner TableJanuary Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Hometown Pride”Jan 23, 20237Jan 23, 20237
InReaders HopebyK. JosephUnexpected Shower of Alternate Forms of Expression: Audio Stories!I sat in on a GarageBand Podcast class in progress and discovered I could do so much more with my Medium stories.Jan 15, 20231Jan 15, 20231
InNew Writers WelcomebyK. JosephTransforming a Medium Article Into a YouTube Video Is Easy As “Click!”I read how another Medium writer did it and, being the curious person I am, I tried it — and loved it!Dec 28, 2022Dec 28, 2022
K. JosephMy Top 5 Reasons for Reading “Take a Hint, Dani Brown” AgainThis book is my favorite novel of 2022! Talia Hibbert delivers a thoroughly delightful romance novel with relatable characters, steamy…Nov 16, 20221Nov 16, 20221
InThe ShortformbyK. JosephSolo Travel, Through An Alternative Lens | Child Border CrossingWhile traveling solo comes with its own challenges, it’s nothing compared to what migrant children face when making the journey to the…Oct 24, 20221Oct 24, 20221
InDirty Digital CoffeebyK. JosephMy Review of Workplace Stories Podcast Episode on Employee Experience and ChangeAuthor Ashley Goodall, discusses change and employee experience on the Workplace Stories by RedThread podcast. Here are my key takeaways.Oct 24, 2022Oct 24, 2022