I’m a dream come true

K. Joseph
2 min readJul 30, 2022


This is the second of a two-part series about successfully moving through change. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to part one.


  1. SHOCK: they lay me off.
  2. FRUSTRATION: I have lost my work, team, colleagues, schedule, identity.
  3. DEPRESSION: escape into TV, books. Wallow.
  4. EXPERIMENTATION: Playlists (read: music and dancing), audiobooks, exercise.



Okay, next!!!! This was my decision. I set a new goal: I want an opportunity with a firm (industry agnostic) that needs an experienced change management leader who engineers successful people-centric processes and actively engages employees in implementing technology solutions. Fraternizing with like-minded people became a daily endeavor. My profiles on LinkedIn, Indeed, ExecuNet, BlueSteps got fresh updates.

I developed my script for my exit story and connected with


to continue to give and get joy, information, and inspiration!


Day by day, I’m becoming who I am.

The Weekly Routine

Wake up and give thanks (daily)
Connect with hubby, sons, and BFF
Tune into podcasts, ‘The Daily’, ‘Up First’, ‘Hidden Brain’ and ‘Workplace Stories by RedThread’
Volunteer @ food pantry
Check email at scheduled times
Fraternize with fellow job seekers
Have conversations with people in my target companies
Checkout my LinkedIn and Indeed feeds
Meet in person/virtually, socially with friends and colleagues
Give thanks and get 7+ hours sleep (daily)

Picture of K. Joseph
📸 Me = Ablaze by K. Joseph via GoArt app on iPhone.

First came the change: They let me go; I must find a new job.

Then I felt I was in a dream-like state as I went through the Kübler-Ross change curve phases.

Now the change is integrated and does not dominate my life. I am awake. Managing my personal change is business as usual, along with other healthy habits in my new normal.

Thanks for reading.

I write about all kinds of topics from my life and work. If you haven’t already, you should check out long and winding content posted weekly in my blog on www.karlenejoseph.com.

Follow me on Medium and LinkedIn for more similar insights.



K. Joseph

Change management leader sharing ideas and experiences that may help you navigate the world of work with your fellow humans.